Howdy folks! 😊 I always like to keep an eye out for unusual foods, or perhaps making the usual foods into unusual dishes. And that’s […]
Author: Lubaya
Raspberry Apple Smoothie
Howdy folks! 😊 Weekends and smoothies just go together! 😊 – And I often start my weekends with a smoothie, or experimenting with different fruit […]
Kalembula (Sweet Potato leaves)
Howdy folks! 😊 Pleased to share this recipe of one of our many local delicaies here in Zambia – Kalembula or Sweet Potato leaves. 😊 […]
Coconut Chicken Curry
Howdy folks! 😊 Do you ever have those days when your palate craves for something different and exotic? 😊 To me, that sounds like a […]
Howdy folks! 😊 When it comes to salads, Coleslaw is probably the most well known salad in these parts. Goes perfectly with BBQ’s, and anytime […]
Roasted Duck
Howdy folks! 😊 In the poultry family, it seems to me that Duck tends to be the least obvious choice for most people…especially in these […]
Chicken Tomato Penne
Howdy folks! 😊 I just s love how easy and convenient to make Pasta dishes are. Not to mention delicious! 😋 Pasta really is a […]
Oven-Baked Whole Tilapia
Howdy Folks! 😊 I will continue to sing the praises of fish, especially when it’s a simple, but delicious dish where the fish gets to […]