Howdy folks! 😊
I’m so excited to share this recipe with you! We’re cooking Beef trotters! 😊
Yes, they are an acquired taste for many, but to be honest, I haven’t met anyone in these parts who does not love them. For those unsure of what we are discussing, these are also known as ‘Cow hooves.’ 😊
Quite popular in African, Asian and Caribbean cuisine, they are definitely a much-loved delicacy. In these parts, we often eat them with Nshima, and beans. But any other starch and veg will do, to go with the richness of this dish. 😊
For those who’ve never cooked Trotters before, or would like to try a new recipe a bit different from the traditional way they are usually cooked, then this recipe is for you. You will not be disappointed 😉
Roll up your sleeves now…and here we go! 😊👇🏾 :
Beef Trotters
Course: MainDifficulty: Medium6
800g Beef Trotters
4 Cloves Garlic
2 Teaspoons Black pepper
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
2 Teaspoons Paprika
1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
1 Chicken Stock Cube
1 Large Onion
1 Large Green Pepper
1 Medium Tomato, chopped
1 1/2 Tablespoon Tomato paste
3 fresh Chilies (optional)
1 Tablespoon fresh Ginger (optional)
- Start by making sure the trotters are clean. Wash them thoroughly, but make sure to get rid of any excess water. 😊
- Season well with salt, black pepper, 1 teaspoon of paprika and garlic powder. Don’t go overboard with the spices here because you want to be able to still get some of that natural flavor. 😊
- After seasoning, sear the trotters in a pan with some oil just to seal in the flavor and get some color on the trotters. Some people don’t do this and cook them straight. That’s also ok. 😊
- Once done searing, place the trotters into a large pot and cover with boiling water. I use boiling water because I want the cooking process to start right away and not be delayed further 😊. To the water, add your stock cube, 2 cloves of garlic and about half a half a thumb of chopped Ginger. Cover and allow that to cook until tender. The broth will be so flavorful 😊. You can cook this in a slow cooker, a pressure cooker or a Stove top. Bear in mind, on the stove they need to boil for at least 5 or 6 hours, until the flesh in tender. 😊
- Once tender, proceed to prepare your vegetables. Chop up the onion, green pepper, 2 cloves of garlic and some red chili (if using) and the tomato. Also add the remaining spices. 😊
- In a pan, saute the onions and other veggies for about 5 minutes, and then add the tomato paste. Cook for another 3 minutes. 😊
- Transfer the vegetable mixture to the pot with the trotters and combine well. This should cook together for the last hour, so that the trotters are infused with these flavors. You will not need to add any thickeners as the sauce will eventually come together and thicken on its own. 😊
- When its all done and the meat is falling off the bone, it will look like this. Ready to serve! 😊
- Enjoyed mine with a plate of Nshima and a traditional vegetable dish – Lumanda with pounded Groundnuts!
Bliss! 🤩
I love the recipe. Definitely worth trying. Thank you for sharing
Most welcome!
Nice recipe, thanks
Thank you! – And You are Welcome 🙂