Hello world! – The Inaugural Post


After a long and protracted battle against laziness and procrastination, I can safely say that a decade later, determination and purpose has won – and here we are on lubzonline.com! A personal blog and a meeting /sharing point for like-minded individuals. However, strangers are also welcome,  kikiki 😉

I am really excited and looking forward to this blog-journey and doing life with you.  There’s so much more to life than whatever your present circumstances are , be they exceedingly wonderful or challenging at best. The bad can change to good, while the good can get better.

Bearing in mind that we only get one shot at this thing called life, our goal should be to try and get it right the first time, by taking the right steps and making the right choices that will ensure our desired outcome. That is why happiness is never an accident or a game of hope or chance. But an outcome of our choices, the big and small things we do on purpose. I have purposed in my heart to live my best life Now. Today.  There’s no waiting till I grow up, till next year, till I get a better job and make more money, till someone else comes along and spurs me on etc etc. Truth be told, the circumstances will never fully be perfect (more on that later).The Present really is a gift and tomorrow isn’t promised, but embrace today and the wonderful opportunities it brings while they still exist.

Like the opportunity to see the sun rise or set beautifully on the horizon. The opportunity to smell flowers or hear birds chirping early in the morning.  The opportunity to travel and explore – whether its exotic and faraway places or just a neighbouring town you’ve never visited. The opportunity to pick up the phone and have a good and hearty laugh with a long lost friend. The opportunity to reach out and help someone with either a material item or just an encouraging word. The opportunity to love someone wholeheartedly and be loved back sincerely. The opportunity to live, to love and to laugh wherever we are in life and with whatever we have in our hands at that moment.

There really is so, so much more to life than we can ever imagine, let alone even live. And – Yes, a good portion of those things don’t even cost much money. Do join me as I take on living and enjoying life on purpose. That’s not to say challenges don’t exist and problems will never arise, but even in those, keeping the right perspective .

There’s a saying I love by Carlos Castaneda – and be forewarned, I’m very ‘Quotatious’ 😉  – ‘We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same. ‘ 

Make the right choice.




  1. Thanks Chilufya 🙂

  2. Chilufya Nayame

    Nice one Lubz!!!!!!!!

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