Oven-Baked Whole Tilapia

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Howdy Folks! 😊

I will continue to sing the praises of fish, especially when it’s a simple, but delicious dish where the fish gets to shine! 😋

Sometimes, Less is More. 😉

This fish is steamed in the oven and gently seasoned with fresh herbs and lemon – And with those few ingredients- you’ll be amazed at the flavors that can develop. Quite tasty 👌🏾

So, if you’re ready for this tasteful experience….here’s what you’ll need to do 👇🏾

Oven-Baked whole Tilapia

Recipe by LubayaCourse: MainDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 Whole Bream fish, scaled and gutted

  • 2 Tablespoons Dill

  • 2 Cloves Garlic

  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Ginger, minced

  • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt

  • 1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

  • 1 Medium Lemon

  • 2 Red Chilies (optional)

  • 1 Aubergine (optional)

  • 1 Green Pepper ( large)


  • Start by making sure the fish is fresh (clear eyes and firm flesh). It should also be clean and gutted 😊. With a sharp knife, score the skin and flesh of the fish about 1/2 a centimetre deep, or just before reaching the bone. Sorry I forgot to take a 📸🤦🏽‍♀️.
    Rub with a bit of olive oil and generously season with salt and pepper 😊
  • Here’s a shot of the aromatics I used. You can use dry seasonings, but I preferred to use the fresh ones for a more vibrant and stronger taste. Especially that the fish is basically being steamed, which can sometimes make food ‘tasteless.’ 😊 No regrets here though! 👌🏾
  • So – In a bowl, mix the chopped onions, dill, mined garlic and minced ginger, with a squeeze of lemon juice (about a teaspoon) and a dash of oil. This will go into the belly of the fish, generously – and will season it from the inside. 😊 You can also squeeze a few bits into the slits made on the fish surface 😋
  • This step is optional 😊 – But, some people place the fish directly onto the pan. And that’s Ok 😉. I prefer to cut up a few vegetables, in this case Green pepper and and Eggplant/Aubergine 🍆 . Season these lightly with a little salt and pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. These will catch all the drippings from the fish and taste delicious once done! 😋 Also, they prevent the fish from sticking to the foil/pan – which sometimes happens 😊 – Plus, it means I don’t have to cook vegetables separately 💃🏽
  • Next, place the seasoned fish on top of the vegetables and arrange a few thin slices of lemon on top. 😊 I also added a few bits of the red chilli just for Colour.
  • Cover the fish and the pan with foil, and bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes ⏰
  • After 40 minutes, remove the foil – and you’ll find the fish is nicely steamed and ready. 😊 You can serve it, at this stage. However, for the aesthetic 😉 – and to make the skin on top a bit firm and crisp, return the uncovered fish back to the oven and broil for about 7-10 minutes. No more than that 🙅🏾‍♀️, as we don’t want the fish to dry out, but still be moist and soft.
  • This is what it will look like afterwards 🤩. Remove the fish from the baking pan and transfer to a platter to serve. You can drizzle with a bit of oil and lemon dressing! And Enjoy! 😋👌🏾
  • P.S You can scrape out the cooked herbs from the belly of the fish when/before serving. They may prove be a bit too concentrated to eat on their own 😉.


  1. Gonna try it, my husband is Pinoy and he loves Tilapia, but he normally fries it in oil – and given that even though he weighs 108 lbs and is 24, his cholesterol is high – we are trying to reduce the intake of saturated fats. I am a lot older and he should outlive me by many decades, the saturated fat is the ONLY unhealthy thing he does, so we are trying to reduce it – thank you for the recipe. Kind thoughts to you.

  2. Hi Lubaya, I would like to say thank you. I cooked whole black Talapia step by step as your recipe recommended and test of fish was yummy yummy:)

  3. 40 minutes is wasaaay to long. A large fish (enough for 2) is cooked in 20 minutes.

  4. Tracey Barnes

    This sounds delicious! I’m going to try it with tilapia on a bed of kale and veggies. Onions aren’t listed on the ingredients list. What quantity do you use?

    • Hi Tracey 🙂
      Did the recipe work out?
      1 Medium onion was enough – so as not to over power the fish.
      Thanks for the spot, I will update the recipe with the quantity.

  5. Yummy recipe

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